Retirees are asking the Hungarian government for this.

[ad_1] This program will email you the title and introduction of the article, all you have to do is enter the recipient’s email address. You can also add some line comments to the message in the “Comment” section. Retirees are calling on the Hungarian government to create the conditions for …

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Economy: Hungary would receive HUF 14 billion in support from the EU if Orbán did not block the deal

[ad_1] Economy: Hungary would receive HUF 14 billion in support from the EU if Orbán did not block the deal | Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”6363d8e8-d652-453f-ac3e-0f872a341e76″,”c_author”:”Arató László (EUrologus)”,”category”:”gazdasag”,”description”:”Rekordméretű, 1800 milliárd eurós uniós költségvetési csomagot blokkol a …

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The alarm sounds in the EU after the Orbán-Morawiecki summit

[ad_1] According to the foreign press, the Polish and Hungarian governments have hardened their positions in the debate on the EU budget and recovery fund, which, among other things, makes the German government’s attempts to defuse the conflict unreliable. . Mateusz Morawiecki, Prime Minister of Poland and Viktor Viktor Orbán, …

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FIFA World Ranking: The Hungarian team is now 40th!

[ad_1] Advancing another seven places, the Hungarian team already occupies position 40 in the last world ranking of the International Football Association (FIFA). Ad The Hungarian team is once again among the top 40 in the world rankings (Photo: Attila Török) Marco Rossi defeated Iceland 2-1 in the European Championship …

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AstraZeneca May Begin New Clinical Vaccine Research

[ad_1] Yesterday, news broke that there were problems with some of AstraZeneca’s vaccine research – there may also have been an error in the manufacturing and design of the research, so it is highly questionable whether we can really speak of an efficiency of the 70 percent. It now appears …

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