Coalition crisis in Slovakia: Prime Minister has resigned

[ad_1] Slovak Prime Minister Igor Matovic announced on Sunday that he is willing to resign as prime minister and take up other government posts if his coalition partners keep their previous promises and leave their posts, reported TASR, a service news agency. Slovak civilian. As a condition for the departure …

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Entrepreneurship: the head of an Australian airline is already convinced that it is not possible to travel without vaccines

[ad_1] Business: the head of an Australian airline is already sure that it is not possible to travel without vaccination Would you like to be informed of the most important news immediately? I’m not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”8a7f29b3-2677-45e5-922c-da4e1b711895″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”kkv”,”description”:”28 ezer forint lesz és még két hónapot kell várni rá – erről …

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Life + Style: My father beat me too, but I became a dictator.

[ad_1] In the winter of 1632-33, the Jesuit missionary Paul Le Jeune visited the Montagnais-Naskap Indian tribe. He mingled with the “savages” to observe them, not, of course, for anthropological interest, but to inform his chief about the compensation of the natives. Blanca, Christian superiority emanates from her records, but …

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