Great success, defeated the Swedes for the Hungarian team

[ad_1] Hungarian scorers: Klujber 6, Lukács, Háfra 5-5, Kácsor 3, Schatzl, Márton, Faluvégi 2-2, Szöllősi-Zácsik, Helembai, Tóth E. 1-1 The meeting started 15 minutes later because a glass basketball net exploded during warm-up in the hall. The Swedes have performed well in major tournaments in recent years: they were third …

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Economy: And then the cashiers already look at the clock more than the merchandise

[ad_1] Economy: And then the cashiers already look at the clock more than the goods Do you want to be informed immediately about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”083c949c-4690-496a-a41c-39659e8e1d4f”,”c_author”:””,”category”:”elet”,”description”:”Azt mondja, van elképzelése arról, mit érezhetnek a lélegeztetőgépre kapcsolt koronavírusos betegek.”,”shortLead”:”Azt mondja, van elképzelése arról, mit …

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