Company: The new opening in Austria was razed

[ad_1] Company: New opening blown in Austria Would you like to be immediately informed about the most important news? I’m not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”17894859-3b16-425a-8b37-9dde8cf77432″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”gazdasag”,”description”:”A költségvetési átcsoportosítások során irtózatos összeget csorgatott az Orbán-kormány a legkedveltebb ágazatba.”,”shortLead”:”A költségvetési átcsoportosítások során irtózatos összeget csorgatott az Orbán-kormány a legkedveltebb ágazatba.”,”id”:”20210322_magyar_kormany_egeszsegugy_sport_tamogatas”,”image”:””,”index”:0,”item”:”7872f939-fce8-4464-a50f-ccb8f12d75a3″,”keywords”:null,”link”:”/gazdasag/20210322_magyar_kormany_egeszsegugy_sport_tamogatas”,”timestamp”:”2021. március. 22. 08:19″,”title”:”Egy …

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Index – Domestic – More than 400 BKV workers in quarantine

[ad_1] The BKV press office wrote about Blikk’s question that the number of quarantined workers exceeded 400. Unfortunately, several colleagues have been lost in recent weeks. The infection is spreading faster and faster among drivers and dispatchers. According to Blikk, a total of 68 drivers and 10 dispatchers fell from …

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At home: 37-year-old healthy daycare worker died of Covid-19 complications

[ad_1] At home: a 37-year-old healthy nursery worker has died of Covid-19 complications | Would you like to be informed of the most important news immediately? I’m not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”a00e0620-ef99-47b3-9aac-2a8b9c737ac4″,”c_author”:”Scheer Katalin”,”category”:”elet”,”description”:”Hitler maga volt a megtestesült gonosz, aki démoni erejével milliókat volt képes megbabonázni? Vagy a karlengető millióknak volt …

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flee from foreign journalists and leaders

[ad_1] US President Joe Biden recently called Russian President Vladimir Putin a murderer in response to a question on US television ABC. Putin then, in a moderate response, proposed a meeting to Biden, who, however, eluded: he appears to be fleeing the trial. This may be related to the recent …

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