World: Georgian Republicans intervene with Trump

[ad_1] World: Georgian Republicans Involved in Trump Do you want to be informed immediately about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”7a21cc52-f696-4e98-b317-461f0b37e683″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”gazdasag.zhvg”,”description”:”40 Celsius-fok volt nappal, de éjjel sem hűlt 25,8 fok alá a hőmérséklet. Hajnalra aztán újra 30 fok lett.”,”shortLead”:”40 Celsius-fok volt nappal, de éjjel sem …

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The future of your stars among friends

[ad_1] As reported, after 22 years, the Between friends. In light of the loss of secure income, many actors must think about how to proceed. Many of the telenovela’s “great old men” have a safe theatrical job, but the youngsters known primarily for the series may be at a disadvantage, …

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World: There was an armed raid on the Hungarian Cultural Association of Transcarpathia in Uzhhorod

[ad_1] World: There was an armed raid on the Hungarian Cultural Association of Transcarpathia in Uzhhorod Do you want to be informed immediately about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”52dff483-18fb-4f95-a752-ca5afa475d57″,”c_author”:”CUPRA”,”category”:”brandcontent”,”description”:”Az autórajongóknak már a nyolcvanas évek második felében felgyorsulhatott a pulzusa, ha egy CUPRA jelzéssel ellátott …

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Viktor Orbán travels to Warsaw due to EU veto

[ad_1] For the second time in a week, they will meet in person. Viktor Orban Hungarian and Mateusz Morawiecki Polish Prime Minister. Another workshop will take place on Monday night in Warsaw, he informed the MTI. Bertalan Havasi, the prime minister’s press officer, confirming the Polish press report on the …

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