Technology: more than 377 thousand Hungarians are involved in Facebook data leak

[ad_1] Technology: more than 377 thousand Hungarians involved in Facebook data leak Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I’m not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”862beed1-2ab9-48f2-b9f0-bad79490cd34″,”c_author”:”MTI”,”category”:”elet”,”description”:”A katolikus egyházfő a húsvét üzeneteként az újrakezdést, új utak járását és a határokig való eljutást nevezte meg.”,”shortLead”:”A katolikus egyházfő a …

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Christ was resurected! Really risen! |

[ad_1] Do not be afraid! – The message of Christ and Easter can give a lot of strength to Christians even in this difficult situation. This is what Cardinal Péter Erdő, the primate, Archbishop of Esztergom, spoke on the Kossuth Radio program entitled Sunday Newspaper. “Christ is the victor over …

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A fire broke out in the Covid ward of Hatvan Hospital.

[ad_1] There was a fire in the Covid ward of the Albert Schweitzer Hospital in Hatvan on Sunday morning and no one was injured in the accident. Krisztina Zelnik, the press officer of the institution told the MTI that the patients infected by coronavirus had been transferred to another part …

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Siófok-NSO won again and reached the semifinals

[ad_1] Siófok KC defeated Russian GK Astrakhanocka in the women’s handball Europa League quarter-final relegation 29-28, thus reaching the fourth final. Simone Böhme was one of the best of the match (Photo: Attila Török – archive) Advertisement The duel of the duel started well, having returned to play at home, …

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At home: a 16-year-old boy was dangerously beaten in Sárkeresztúr

[ad_1] At home: a 16-year-old boy was dangerously beaten in Sárkeresztúr Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I’m not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”b453b63d-5c18-4190-a9ad-94c16cd56092″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”itthon”,”description”:”9 százalékon áll mindhárom ellenzéki párt, a Fidesz támogatottsága valamelyest csökkent a Republikon Intézet adatai szerint. “,”shortLead”:”9 százalékon áll mindhárom ellenzéki párt, …

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