it’s already cabaret: a 20-meter road also requires a bus

[ad_1] Sandra Toft could be there in the first game of the Danes (Photo: AFP) As is well known, Denmark organizes the continental tournament under extremely strict epidemiological regulations. Since their arrival, teams can only stay in the so-called red bubble, which in practice means they can only move between …

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Economy: Lidl, Aldi and Tesco at the crossroads of government?

[ad_1] Economy: Lidl, Aldi and Tesco at the crossroads of government? | Would you like to be immediately informed about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”782dad40-1d00-4a58-8650-998106efdc33″,”c_author”:”Balla István”,”category”:”360″,”description”:”Nemrég jelent meg Berg Judit Rumini-sorozatának tizedik kötete, de a kalandos életű mesehős – miután új illusztrációkat kapott – …

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best coronary heart disease in the group of Hungarians

[ad_1] As stated above, the match between the Netherlands and Serbia was postponed in Group D of the European Championship at the Dniban European Championship due to a coronary accident. The European Federation announced on Friday that a better Serbian player had produced a positive result. According to the tournament …

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Russell opened with 1st place at Mercedes! – F1VILÁG.HU

[ad_1] George Russell, who borrowed from Williams’ squad as Lewis Hamilton’s understudy, got off to a bombshell: British talent took the lead in Sahir’s Grand Prix opening with Mercedes, ahead of Red Bull’s young titan Max Verstappen . Russell could start his Mercedes Formula 1 car this weekend with Lewis …

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Letter from Viktor Orbán to Manfred Weber

[ad_1] The Prime Minister’s Press Office published the letter, which Orbán wrote to Viktor Manfred Weber. The letter will be published in its entirety. Viktor Orbán’s response to Manfred Weber (EU Samizdat No. 3) The mainstream media in Europe exclude, ignore and block thoughts that do not fit the world …

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Organizer of Brussels orgy received death threats

[ad_1] David Manzheley withdraws from the public eye. The organizer of the Brussels orgy informed Blikk in a statement that he had received death threats, feared for his life, so he no longer spoke. David manzheley so far he has been happy to talk about his house party several times …

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Orbán Viktor Manfred Weber: You looked like a bastard

[ad_1] The secret history of the 2018 elections in 84 color pages. I’ll buy it The communication battle between the EU leaders and the Hungarian government will become increasingly intense. On Friday afternoon, for example, Viktor Orbán responded to the statements of Manfred Weber, president of the European People’s Party, …

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