Wolff said Coronary Hamilton “doesn’t feel good at all”

[ad_1] A Mercedes its driver, Lewis Hamilton, experienced mild symptoms on Monday, followed by two positive coronavirus tests, leading to him missing the Sahir Grand Prix this weekend. Team boss Toto Wolff doesn’t think the driver will follow the race long, he focuses more on recovery: “He wants to build …

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At home: Magyar Hang supports his colleague accused of pedophilia by government media

[ad_1] At home: Magyar Hang supports his colleague accused of pedophilia by government media hvg.hu Would you like to be immediately informed about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”2b2d10ea-8306-4414-bc87-bb586659ed0f”,”c_author”:”hvg.hu”,”category”:”gazdasag”,”description”:”A magyar miniszterelnök biztosította a Roszatom vezérigazgatóját: ütemterv szerint halad a paksi beruházás, jövő ősszel lehet meg az …

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The French are also in danger of vetoing the urinal

[ad_1] Trade talks between the EU and the UK stalled at the last minute after the French government threatened to veto the deal if it believes the union is giving too much to the British. In London, this is interpreted as the EU tightening its bargaining position at the last …

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