László Kuncz, Olympic water polo medalist, dies

[ad_1] The secret history of the 2018 elections in 84 color pages. I’ll buy it László Kuncz, who died at the age of 64, is an Olympic, world and European medalist, two hundred times elected national water polo player. Sunday’s obituary on the Hungarian association’s website recalls that Kuncz began …

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World: Romanian elections: both sides are considered winners

[ad_1] World: Romanian elections: both sides are considered winners hvg.hu Would you like to be immediately informed about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”297bb106-abe2-4a0b-8bc7-1f9aec99667d”,”c_author”:”MTI”,”category”:”vilag”,”description”:”Szűk családi körben eltemették szombaton szülőhelyén Valéry Giscard d’Estaing volt francia elnököt, aki 94 éves korában hunyt el a héten koronavírus-betegségben.”,”shortLead”:”Szűk családi körben …

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Index – Abroad – Even more stringent Bavarian restrictions

[ad_1] Restrictions on the second wave of the coronavirus epidemic in Bavaria will be further tightened, the German provincial government announced in Munich on Sunday after an extraordinary meeting. Provincial Prime Minister Markus Söder stressed that the restrictions introduced in early November had failed to regain control of the spread …

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Cult: David Miller was the banana, the masked singer won

[ad_1] Cult: David Miller was the banana, the masked singer won hvg.hu Would you like to be immediately informed about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”1b881836-9bc1-4ec3-9623-f9cddfa089f5″,”c_author”:”MTI”,”category”:”cegauto.kozlekedes”,”description”:”A Budapesti Közlekedési Központ (BKK) értetlenül áll az előtt, hogy a Fővárosi Kormányhivatal – immáron negyedszer – ismét visszautasította a cég …

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Debrecen soccer team won a sensational match

[ad_1] The table’s first and second place winners, Debrecen and Budars, played the NB II soccer championship in Tatabny. Budars led the match twice but failed to beat last year’s NB I Debrecen. Debrecen won the 4-3 mark in the end. The match started with a quick glock. The Budars …

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He wore the mask of the masked singer Röfi

[ad_1] A Rofi The mask was a big favorite from the beginning of the show and everyone was sad when it had to be exposed prematurely outside the show. Claudia clips could not continue filming due to his illness, but the editors decided: there was still time to present another …

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It was colossal, but Russell was the good star of F1

[ad_1] George Russell could have won Lewis Hamilton’s spot with Mercedes in first place, but due to a rare technical error, the scoreline didn’t match him either. Our teammate Toto Wolff comforted him personally, saying he had a good star in Formula One. It was all done by Grand Sahri …

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