Naked picture, traps, threats: scandalous breakups of Hungarian stars

[ad_1] Her ex-boyfriend, who allegedly broke her windshield and was threatened with death by her family, published nude photographs of Evelin Gáspár, facts that exhaust several criminal categories, and Győző Gáspár’s daughter has already filed a complaint. Although things rarely get worse, several Hungarian stars have had a break in …

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Budapest went dark for an hour

[ad_1] Budapest also joined the Earth Hour campaign, so the city’s lighting on Saturdays was turned off for an hour on Saturday night, from 9:30 to 10:30. Gergely Christmas The mayor wrote on his Facebook page that the effects of climate change are becoming more and more pronounced in Budapest …

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Favipiravir can also be prescribed on weekends.

[ad_1] It has been written that the drug can also be prescribed on weekends, for example, by a doctor who works in a primary care emergency and who is practicing general medicine. In addition, any doctor who attends in the context of epidemiological care may prescribe the product, which must …

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Life + Style: Budapest goes dark for an hour

[ad_1] Life + Style: darkens for an hour Would you like to be informed of the most important news immediately? I’m not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”91cdbd1a-63dd-44cd-8717-59eea04340b3″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”vilag”,”description”:”Az izraeli teherhajó a sérülése ellenére folytatni tudta az útját.”,”shortLead”:”Az izraeli teherhajó a sérülése ellenére folytatni tudta az útját.”,”id”:”20210325_Irani_raketa_talalt_el_egy_izraeli_hajot”,”image”:””,”index”:0,”item”:”103d60fc-a7cf-4b80-9d03-225182c67066″,”keywords”:null,”link”:”/vilag/20210325_Irani_raketa_talalt_el_egy_izraeli_hajot”,”timestamp”:”2021. március. 25. 18:11″,”title”:”Iráni rakéta talált el …

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