Navracsics: Moving towards EU ‘bastard’ status

[ad_1] The former EU commissioner sees this as a greater concern than a veto. Tibor Navracsics He told InfoRádió that it was not about the Hungarian veto, but about the problem Budapest faced in Brussels on most political issues. According to him, a significant part of the conflicts stem from …

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Avoid the Pfizer Vaccine with Severe Allergies

[ad_1] The British National Health Service has urged the British to refrain from self-administering to people allergic to ingredients in the Pfizer vaccine, writes The Guardian. The warning was necessary because the vaccine caused an allergic reaction in two healthcare workers. Both workers had EpiPen for emergency treatment of anaphylactic …

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Economy: Bloomberg: The governments of Hungary and Poland are ready to lift the veto

[ad_1] Economy: Bloomberg: Hungarian and Polish governments ready to lift veto Would you like to be immediately informed about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”49f94449-07db-438b-90be-4a91014981b9″,”c_author”:”MTI”,”category”:”itthon”,”description”:”A lehetőségről beszámoló Dömötör Csaba hangsúlyozta, hogy az oltást nem a regisztráció sorrendjében adják majd be.”,”shortLead”:”A lehetőségről beszámoló Dömötör Csaba hangsúlyozta, …

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The plan to lift the Hungarian-Polish veto is ready

[ad_1] The secret history of the 2018 elections in 84 color pages. I’ll buy it The Polish radio news site RMF, quoting an EU diplomat, presented in detail on Wednesday morning how to resolve the deadlock at the EU summit from Thursday to Friday caused by the European demand for …

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Technology: Why are children better protected from the coronavirus? You seem to have the answer

[ad_1] Technology: Why are children better protected from the coronavirus? It seems I have the answer Would you like to be immediately informed about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”ae86768a-9fdf-496d-8657-910f59897794″,”c_author”:”Detralex”,”category”:”brandcontent”,”description”:”Kicsi vagy nagy, keskeny vagy széles sarok, színes vagy fekete, Manolo vagy Louboutin, nők tömkelege van …

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