Economy: Orbán: Negotiations in the afternoon, landing in the morning

[ad_1] Economy: Orbán: Negotiations in the afternoon, landing in the morning Would you like to be immediately informed about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”3674946d-cba9-447a-9ef4-6ad4750f4856″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”kkv”,”description”:”A szakszervezet szerint jobb lenne, ha 24-én ki se nyitnának.”,”shortLead”:”A szakszervezet szerint jobb lenne, ha 24-én ki se nyitnának.”,”id”:”20201208_Tumultus_lehet_az_uzletekben_az_idosav_es_a_korai_zaras_miatt__figyelmeztetnek_a_boltok”,”image”:””,”index”:0,”item”:”9bb7813f-332a-4610-a423-ee6627e46843″,”keywords”:null,”link”:”/kkv/20201208_Tumultus_lehet_az_uzletekben_az_idosav_es_a_korai_zaras_miatt__figyelmeztetnek_a_boltok”,”timestamp”:”2020. december. 08. …

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Russian vaccine – no need to stop drinking

[ad_1] He resonated Anna Popova a statement by a Russian medical director on Tuesday that those preparing to get vaccinated against the new coronavirus should stop drinking for two weeks before immunization and for 42 days after the first injection. Director of the Sputnik V Vaccine Development Institute, Alexander Gincburg …

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