Economy: the ‘Dutch’ stagnates: Mark Rutte has conditions before the EU summit

[ad_1] Economy: “The Dutchman” stagnates: Mark Rutte has conditions ahead of the EU summit | Would you like to be immediately informed about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”dc798d57-3f83-4a95-8329-ad47ff9cfbfe”,”c_author”:””,”category”:”itthon”,”description”:”Kepli Lajos a veszélyhelyzet miatt lényegében egyedül határozhatott erről.”,”shortLead”:”Kepli Lajos a veszélyhelyzet miatt lényegében egyedül határozhatott erről.”,”id”:”20201209_balatonalmadi_kepli_lajos_jutalom”,”image”:””,”index”:0,”item”:”243a1d0f-a1be-4c57-9b54-369c53c6ffa0″,”keywords”:null,”link”:”/itthon/20201209_balatonalmadi_kepli_lajos_jutalom”,”timestamp”:”2020. …

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Is Hungary really kicking out Tesco, Lidl and Aldit?

[ad_1] There is nothing wrong with the plan for the development of Hungarian agriculture and food industry. Furthermore, taking advantage of the country’s natural endowments, few better ideas can be produced. If European Union funds were actually spent more efficiently and usefully, Hungary would certainly have an even stronger food …

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The briefing of the operational staff did not last ten minutes

[ad_1] In less than ten minutes, the operational tribe’s cheese briefing on Thursday ended. First Kristóf Gál listed how many people the police had taken for violating various protection rules and then Ágnes Galgóczi counted recent epidemiological figures. The head of the department of the National Center for Public Health …

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Even Instagram and WhatsApp could fail Mark Zuckerberg

[ad_1] The secret history of the 2018 elections in 84 color pages. I’ll buy it The U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC) announced Wednesday that it would launch a gigapert that has been suspected for some time and could even lead to Facebook fragmentation. The FTC and 46 state prosecutors filed …

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The third wave of the epidemic has reached Japan

[ad_1] The secret history of the 2018 elections in 84 color pages. I’ll buy it Since mid-November, the number of new infections diagnosed in a single day in Japan has risen steadily, and authorities are warning people to be more careful and prefer not to travel anywhere while on vacation. …

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Csanád Szegedi sentenced to five years in prison, accused of committing 155 million fraud

[ad_1] The Central Investigation Prosecutor’s Office has accused criminal fraud and other crimes committed in criminal association and commercially, causing particularly serious material damage. Csanád Szegediand against seven of his comrades in the Metropolitan Court. Katalin Kovács, said a spokesman for the Central Investigation Prosecutor’s Office, at our request, that …

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