This is how they blew up the old tower of Csepel

[ad_1] Construction of the Budapest Athletics Stadium has begun, the project has reached the point of tearing down the VITUKI headquarters in North Csepel. This was solved with an explosion on the afternoon of December 10. Origo monitored the tower’s collapse at the scene. We show the photos! In connection …

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Today we fight for the victory of common sense!

[ad_1] The first day of the EU summit in December began on Thursday afternoon, when a final agreement could be reached on the financial package of around 1.8 billion euros and its conditionality. Arriving at the meeting site, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said that he looked forward to reconciliation with …

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Life + Style: Another document proves that the man who organizes sexual orgy in Brussels is being surrounded

[ad_1] Life + Style: Another document proves that a man organizes a sexual orgy in Brussels | Would you like to be immediately informed about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”3a470dda-0281-457e-bcf4-80dccb86799f”,”c_author”:””,”category”:”sport”,”description”:”A lengyelek ellen kezdjük és fejezzük is be a vb-selejtezőket.rnrn”,”shortLead”:”A lengyelek ellen kezdjük és fejezzük …

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