Company: four union leaders were fired from Dunaferr

[ad_1] Company: Four union leaders fired from Dunaferr Would you like to be immediately informed about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”807a5654-d8c1-4d26-9356-874c24a5eca7″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”tudomany”,”description”:”Sokan Messiásként várják a koronavírus elleni védőoltást, mások viszont biztosak abban, hogy ilyen rövid idő alatt csak összecsapni lehetett a vakcinát. Egy amerikai orvos, …

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Péter Bartók, son of Béla Bartók, died

[ad_1] The Bartók Memorial House announced on Friday that Béla Bartók’s youngest son, Péter Bartók, had died at the age of 96. At the age of 97, on December 7, Péter Bartók, Béla Bartók’s youngest son, died. Born in Budapest on July 31, 1924, Péter Bartók, as owner of Bartók …

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