Car: Räikkönen’s car caught fire, he extinguished it with his own hands – video

[ad_1] Car: Räikkönen’s car caught fire, turned off by hand – video Would you like to be immediately informed about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”dfffc5c4-267f-4644-a41d-8f0f0c3788b4″,”c_author”:”MTI”,”category”:”sport”,”description”:”A világbajnok úszó furcsa fáradtságot érez, azt reméli, hogy az edzetlenség miatt gyengült le.”,”shortLead”:”A világbajnok úszó furcsa fáradtságot érez, azt …

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Hungarian stars who keep their son’s father a secret

[ad_1] Anita Köböl was pregnant alone and has not known who her little girl is since. Although there has long been speculation about who her former love might be, she still hasn’t revealed the details of the relationship, knowing nothing about the man who left her. The TV2 presenter is …

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Russell did a great job, everyone knows it – Hamilton

[ad_1] Valtteri Bottas, who finished in the second free practice of the Abu Dhabi Grand Prix in the Formula One season, complained about the balance of the car, while his second-placed teammate Lewis Hamilton spoke of how he experienced a comeback after an infection by coronavirus. Max Verstappen believes there …

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After a great fight, we have the winner of Farm VIP

[ad_1] After several weeks, he has the winner of the reality show on TV2’s farm. Final photos image gallery – click on the image!TV2 Fourteen moved into the relatively well-equipped farm and drafted the barn in August, with two teams competing at first. The players withdrew in a row, Éva …

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