Népszava said goodbye to Balázs Feco

[ad_1] The Kossuth and Liszt Ferenc award-winning musician was 70 years old. “Balázs Fecó was an Artist in capital letters of the word”, who left a memory and a mark in the memory of the nation – said Zsolt Semjén, Deputy Prime Minister, who said goodbye to the musician, who …

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A friend found the body of a well-known actor

[ad_1] American actor and wrestler Tommy Lister died, his body was found by a friend. Tommy Lister died at the age of 62, his body was found in his apartment after he did not respond to phone calls from friends. His agent, Cindy Cowan, said the actor had typical coronavirus …

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At home: two prisoners contracted coronavirus in Sopronkőhida prison

[ad_1] At home: two prisoners contracted coronavirus in Sopronkőhida prison hvg.hu Would you like to be immediately informed about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”79c85488-6f1c-4da5-8b32-8112dd729c56″,”c_author”:”MTI / hvg.hu”,”category”:”gazdasag.ingatlan”,”description”:”A szolgáltató szerint kilyukadt egy vezeték.”,”shortLead”:”A szolgáltató szerint kilyukadt egy vezeték.”,”id”:”20201210_szombathely_tavho_meghibasodas_kieses”,”image”:”https://img0.hvg.hu/image.aspx?id=79c85488-6f1c-4da5-8b32-8112dd729c56&view=ffdb5e3a-e632-4abc-b367-3d9b3bb5573b”,”index”:0,”item”:”f53944c6-d653-4372-a5b3-815eca57ed65″,”keywords”:null,”link”:”/ingatlan/20201210_szombathely_tavho_meghibasodas_kieses”,”timestamp”:”2020. december. 10. 15:45″,”title”:”Reggel óta nincs fűtés és melegvíz közel …

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Russell came back to reality with strange feelings

[ad_1] Russell performed very well at the Sahir Grand Prix Lewis Hamilton as a substitute, and he was not far from winning the race, but in the end, team guilt and a slow puncture robbed him of the opportunity. From a Mercedes He still didn’t know on Thursday morning who …

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