Index – National – Gődény could not sign for security

[ad_1] Today, György Gődény would have dedicated his book on the ground floor of the Pólus Center, but the security service of the shopping center did not allow it. The index knows that the bodybuilder-pharmacist skeptical of the epidemic was unable to hold his pre-arranged and announced public meeting because …

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World: Supreme Court dismisses lawsuit from Trump and the state of Texas

[ad_1] World: Supreme Court dismisses state action by Trump and Texas Would you like to be immediately informed about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”e85e95ad-8ba7-4921-b534-7058ca60a5dd”,”c_author”:””,”category”:”kkv”,”description”:”Rendkívül ritka a német cégeknél, hogy egy vezető beosztású férfi feláldozza a karrierjét a feleségéért. A Zalando egyik ügyvezetője azonban most …

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They could be kicked out of the house at night, the girl died

[ad_1] A three-year-old girl died in Russia after spending an entire night in the unheated hallway of her home while it was minus 15 degrees outside. The mother claims that an accident occurred, but that he may have been somewhat excluded from the house. Her mother found three-year-old Angelina Kuleshova …

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Slovakia should congratulate Hungary and Poland

[ad_1] These two countries have been very successful in the EU debate, says the former Slovakian prime minister in a Facebook video. Former Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico, president of the opposition Smer-SD, highlighted in his new Facebook video that György Soros attacked German Chancellor Angela Merkel for Hungary today …

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