NB I: Ferencváros – Zalaegerszeg – NSO

[ad_1] Ferencváros, who headed for the championship title defense, was rocked in the second half, scoring two goals, thus easily winning (2-0) at home against Zalaegerszeg in the 14th round of NB I football. Ad FOOTBALL NB IROUND 14Ferencváros – Zalaegerszeg TE 2–0 (Laidouni 67., Baturina 70.) Budapest, Groupama Arena, …

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Hollik: Gyurcsány’s wife attacks her homeland again

[ad_1] According to the communications director of Fidesz, the wife of the president of DK, Ferenc Gyurcsány, MEP Klára Dobrev, turned against her own country again. In a video message sent to the MTI on Saturday, István Hollik said that Klára Dobrev’s “campaign to expire Hungary” is being financed from …

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Index – Economy – Dunaferr fires union leaders, Vasas Protests

[ad_1] A difficult and unprecedented situation has developed in Dunaferr, according to the Vasas Trade Union Confederation, which considers the immediate dismissal of the company’s union leaders unacceptable. Vasas and those involved will go to court for the illegal measures, the association’s president told MTI. Ms Lívia Spieglné Balogh stated …

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World: It’s just a hair away, but the Polish government is not falling apart

[ad_1] World: beyond hair, but the Polish government will not break hvg.hu Would you like to be immediately informed about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”0a88e487-f853-4622-ab0b-87ca78e6c02a”,”c_author”:”hvg.hu”,”category”:”itthon”,”description”:”Javítóintézetbe küldte a nyomozati bíró a nyolcadikos fiút.”,”shortLead”:”Javítóintézetbe küldte a nyomozati bíró a nyolcadikos fiút.”,”id”:”20201211_keseles_tatabanya_iskola”,”image”:”https://img4.hvg.hu/image.aspx?id=0a88e487-f853-4622-ab0b-87ca78e6c02a&view=ffdb5e3a-e632-4abc-b367-3d9b3bb5573b”,”index”:0,”item”:”914d775c-6065-4b12-aea3-711c34773016″,”keywords”:null,”link”:”/itthon/20201211_keseles_tatabanya_iskola”,”timestamp”:”2020. december. 11. 18:40″,”title”:”Letartóztatták a 14 éves …

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