Almost every day it can rain a little next week

[ad_1] Next week it will be cloudy, humid, in some places foggy. You also need to prepare for tin drizzle and tin rain multiple times, according to the national medium-term forecast from the National Weather Service. Monday In most of the country, the weather will be mostly cloudy or cloudy, …

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Index – National – Diplomatic passport, what is it?

[ad_1] On Thursday we wrote that one of the former members of the MSZP, Zsolt Legény, wanted to smuggle cigarettes at the border with Ukraine with a diplomatic passport. The politician with a law degree was a deputy for the Socialists until 2014, since then he has been vice president …

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World: Almost everything will stop in Germany from Wednesday

[ad_1] World: Almost everything stops in Germany since Wednesday Do you want to be immediately informed about the most important news? I’m not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”40a13286-9209-46e2-8034-5306efde8d84″,”c_author”:”Dobos Emese – Németh András”,”category”:”gazdasag.zhvg”,”description”:”Áttörésnek látszó eredmény született napra pontosan öt évvel ezelőtt Párizsban, az ENSZ klímacsúcsán: a résztvevő államok a történelemben először vállaltak …

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Life + Style: during his funeral, Paolo Rossi’s house was raided

[ad_1] Life + Style: Paolo Rossi’s house broke down during his funeral Do you want to be immediately informed about the most important news? I’m not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”5ddeac23-ce2f-4b63-a3c1-12c95ddf77cc”,”c_author”:””,”category”:”gazdasag”,”description”:”A magyar és a lengyel kormány visszavonta a vétófenyegetését, így lett EU-költségvetés; sikerült az EU 27 tagállamának megegyezni a klímavédelmi célokról; …

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NB II: Tracker Round 21 – LIVE

[ad_1] On Sunday nine games will be played in the 21st round of NB II football. The leader of the list Loki plays a fan of the city with the EAC of Debrecen, the second Budaörs acts in Siófok, while the fourth Vasas receives Békéscsaba with the same number of …

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Index – Foreign – Germany is completely closed

[ad_1] 2020.12.13. 12:44 Due to the acceleration of the coronavirus epidemic, after the first wave of infection in the spring, a national shortage will be reintroduced that freezes most areas of social and economic life in Germany, Berlin announced on Sunday. Angela Merkel at the press conference in Berlin on …

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