Index – Culture – István Bergendy dies

[ad_1] The late Ferenc Liszt award-winning musician István Bergendy, founder and leader of the Bergendy ensemble, has passed away. The saxophonist, clarinetist and composer passed away at age 81 from complications from the coronavirus infection, the family told MTI. The Bergendy band was formed in the late 1950s, taking the …

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István Bergendy died of a coronavirus disease

[ad_1] Passed away István Bergendy Liszt Ferenc award-winning musician, founder and leader of the Bergendy ensemble. The saxophonist, clarinetist and composer passed away at age 81 from complications from the coronavirus infection, the family told MTI. The Bergendy band formed in the late 1950s, taking the founder’s name in 1962. …

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At home: Viktor Orbán: The first vaccines will arrive in Hungary in the last days of December

[ad_1] At home: Viktor Orbán: The first vaccines will arrive in Hungary in the last days of December Do you want to be immediately informed about the most important news? I’m not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”2c660303-5a3c-45e6-bf2c-c75e8f43cf65″,”c_author”:”Révész Sándor”,”category”:”360″,”description”:”Talán nem kellene hasra esni az FTC idei Bajnokok Ligája-szereplésétől. Különösképpen nem azoknak a …

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Technology: Google has had a big shutdown: YouTube, Gmail and almost everything has become inaccessible

[ad_1] Tech: There was a big shutdown at Google: YouTube, Gmail and almost everything became inaccessible | Do you want to be immediately informed about the most important news? I’m not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”fa4c4c6d-20c7-4aa7-b710-e8a88e6fe93c”,”c_author”:”MTI”,”category”:”itthon”,”description”:”Jelentős lezárások lesznek az egytonnás, élesített amerikai bomba miatt.”,”shortLead”:”Jelentős lezárások lesznek az egytonnás, élesített amerikai bomba …

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Damn, Jewish – said the left-wing mayor, Krisztina Baranyi

[ad_1] The Té newsroom received a shocking shot, in which it can be heard that the left-wing mayor of Ferencváros, Krisztina Baranyi, turned Jewish on her own. The spirits in the municipality of Ferencváros were released. Krisztina Baranyi has led the 9th district for just one year, and the left-wing …

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