EUrologus: The European Parliament has voted in favor of the rule of law mechanism

[ad_1] EUrologus: European Parliament votes on rule of law mechanism Would you like to be immediately informed about the most important news? I’m not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”42ad6712-b2b5-4b45-bcf2-5b57a89e2535″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”tudomany”,”description”:”Regina Valkenborgh egyetemi hallgatóként vágott bele egy fotós projektbe, amiről évekre megfeledkezett. Most egy új rekord birtokosa lehet.”,”shortLead”:”Regina Valkenborgh egyetemi hallgatóként vágott bele …

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Video of a headless snake attacking

[ad_1] A strange beachfront video is circulating on social media sites, IFLScience writes. The image shows a headless snake trying to reach the man who hits it with a tennis racket. The video originally appeared on an Australian Reddit board, and the poster suspected that a bird may have dropped …

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Index – National – Pride disputes Pride’s decision

[ad_1] The Mansion rejected Budapest Pride’s lawsuit Tuesday, in which the community complained that police had banned the Pride car parade, citing the epidemic situation, based on a government decree categorically banning a gathering. The Mansion writes that the police decision was legal, the assembly authority (police) could not consider …

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Index – National – Acceptance of dishonest treatment and bribery on charges against Bige

[ad_1] László Bige, owner of Nitrogénművek, is suspected of dishonest treatment, use of a false private document and the crime of accepting bribery, causing a particularly significant economic disadvantage, writes, referring to information from the prosecution. László Szilágyi, A spokesperson for the county attorney general’s office confirmed to InfoRádió …

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At home: NAV has gone to thirty or forty security companies

[ad_1] At home: NAV | has moved to thirty or forty security companies Would you like to be immediately informed about the most important news? I’m not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”6831e109-e871-46a0-a55f-7cbb728a066c”,”c_author”:””,”category”:”tudomany”,”description”:”A Google 2021 júliusa helyett 2021 szeptemberéig engedi, hogy a dolgozói a koronavírus-járvány miatt otthonról végezzék a munkájukat. Emellett egy …

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