Legionnaires: Szoboszlai paid, Salzburg advanced

[ad_1] Dominik Szoboszlai helped Salzburg defeat Rapid Wienen 6-2 to advance to the next round of the Austrian Cup. Ad Salzburg, the player with the strongest line-up, took the lead in the 16th minute, only through the Hungarian midfielder: Mërgim Szoboszlai recovered the ball from Berisha and then calmly lifted …

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PL: Liverpool – Tottenham – NSO

[ad_1] On Wednesday there will be a great amateur race in the 13th round of the Premier League: Tottenham Hotspur, the favorites, will visit their second home at Liverpool, defender, on a worse goal difference. Follow the progress of the meeting with our live coverage! Ad ANGOL PREMIER LEAGUEROUND 13LIVERPOOL …

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At home: Tamás Deutsch’s disenfranchisement has been accepted by the European People’s Party

[ad_1] At home: the European People’s Party accepts the deprivation of rights of Tamás Deutsch hvg.hu Would you like to be immediately informed about the most important news? I’m not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”c8bb38cb-9610-4d7a-b988-d00b43e6fae6″,”c_author”:”hvg.hu”,”category”:”tudomany”,”description”:”A felhasználók “jelentős részénél” nem elérhető a Google levelezőszolgáltatása – közölte kedden éjjel a vállalat.”,”shortLead”:”A felhasználók “jelentős részénél” …

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Greta Thunberg’s true face revealed

[ad_1] It is becoming increasingly clear that the world’s most famous “climate gossip”, Swedish activist Greta Thunberg, is simply not telling the truth, and her alleged concern for the environment is just a well-organized marketing ploy, writes the international agency of V4NA news. Greta Thunberg has been involved on several …

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In one afternoon, places were filled for free tests in Budapest

[ad_1] In one afternoon, the squares for the Budapest City Council’s coronavirus screening were filled. He said Gergely Christmas Wednesday night on his Facebook page. The mayor recalled in the post that between December 19 and 23, the Capital will test Budapest volunteers with four thousand rapid antigen tests in …

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