World: Slovenian health minister resigns, party leaves government due to “orbalization”

[ad_1] World: Slovenian health minister resigned, party leaves government due to “orbalization” | Would you like to be immediately informed about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”7ee61f95-8902-4e38-82eb-a7862249434b”,”c_author”:”Tóta W. Árpád”,”category”:”360″,”description”:”Rettenetes év volt az idei, késekből és bogáncsokból kötött csokor. 2020 bűnlajstromából lapzártakor már csak egy vulkánkitörés hiányzik. …

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Stars who lost a fortune during the epidemic

[ad_1] The pandemic not only affects tourism and hospitality, but also has a serious negative impact on the entertainment industry, for example: there are no concerts, hardly any films or series are made, so now many musicians and actors are struggling economically , even the best known. Here are some …

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Italy: Salvini migration laws repealed

[ad_1] A heated debate in the upper house of the Italian parliament on Friday evening was accompanied by a vote on the government’s new immigration measures to repeal laws enacted last summer at the initiative of former Interior Minister Matteo Salvini, writes the MTI. The Senate approved an amendment to …

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DAHR received three ministries in the new Romanian government

[ad_1] Holiday 444 Circle I am joining On Friday, an agreement was reached on the composition of the new Romanian government, in which a deputy prime minister and three ministers are also included in the Hungarian Democratic Alliance in Romania, writes In the government led by Florin Cîţu, the …

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Start: The government would establish a 1,000-bed psychiatric and neurosurgical center by merging several institutions

[ad_1] Start: The government would establish a 1,000-bed psychiatric and neurosurgical center merging several institutions | Would you like to be immediately informed about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”91f8ab1b-1bd9-4a53-ba02-9b19518ae94c”,”c_author”:””,”category”:”itthon”,”description”:”Kovács Sándortól a birtokán elköltött uniós pénzek miatt indult nyomozásról szeretett volna részleteket megtudni a …

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Macron coronavirus runs a little slower than usual

[ad_1] You were diagnosed with the coronavirus the day before Emmanuel macron on Friday, he said he was fine, still “running the affairs of the country” but at a “slightly slower” pace due to symptoms. The French president also asked the French to be careful because the epidemic is escalating …

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At home: In vain the mourning people waited, a Varany bastard forgot to bury him

[ad_1] At home: In vain the mourning people waited, they forgot the funeral of a priest varany Would you like to be immediately informed about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”07a1bee2-ff32-4033-9641-c67830bf61c2″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”itthon”,”description”:”A képviselő a Túri Objektív vendége volt. Az ellenzék és az unió szerinte “LBTQ-propagandával” fertőzi …

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