Economy: The government has given the municipalities another slap in the face

[ad_1] Economy: The government has given another slap to the municipalities Would you like to be immediately informed about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”96e0f46b-df52-4b3d-915c-32aa84730e3c”,”c_author”:””,”category”:”tudomany”,”description”:”Victor Gevers októberben beszélt arról, hogy milyen egyszerű módszerrel sikerült bejutnia az amerikai elnök fiókjába.”,”shortLead”:”Victor Gevers októberben beszélt arról, hogy milyen …

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At home: Navracsics: “clear battle loss” Tamás Deutsch’s disenfranchisement

[ad_1] At home: Navracsics: “clear loss of battle” disenfranchisement of Tamás Deutsch Would you like to be immediately informed about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”fee9d860-4988-4dfa-8770-5f829ea81953″,”c_author”:”Fekő Ádám”,”category”:”sport”,”description”:”Az RB Leipzig szakmai sikerei mellett arról ismert, hogy kulturális és szakmai okok miatt sokszor még a többi Bundesliga-csapat …

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The end of the Show Fathers

[ad_1] TV2 has confirmed that Sample Fathers will be off screen soon, as season 2 is drawing to a close. Soon, all the series will come out on commercial channels. The last installment of Dear Heirs will arrive on December 23, which means that after 4 seasons the successful series …

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There was a fire in a hospital in Budapest

[ad_1] 2020 was an extraordinary year. The coronavirus epidemic and the deepening economic crisis in its wake have put us all to the test, and the government has also used this dire crisis to further strengthen its already unprecedented power. However, thanks to the readers, the 444 not only survived, …

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Pál Feke became the VIP winner of The Chef

[ad_1] Based on the jury’s decision Paul feke became the winner of the Chef’s VIP final in 2020, earning the actor the Chef’s VIP title and the associated 10 million HUF. In the last show, Paul Feke had to prepare a three-course menu and To Pokorny Liawho returned to the …

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