Sport: Zsolt Kalmár is seriously injured, may miss the European Championship

[ad_1] Sport: Zsolt Kalmár is seriously injured, could miss the European Championship | Would you like to be immediately informed about the most important news? I’m not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”85926b75-5aee-4cd2-ae83-1d6aa1f20aea”,”c_author”:””,”category”:”elet”,”description”:”Egy Szöulban kiállított graffitit „gondolt tovább” két látogató.”,”shortLead”:”Egy Szöulban kiállított graffitit „gondolt tovább” két látogató.”,”id”:”20210403_Azt_hittek_szabad_a_vasar_osszefestettek_egy_felmillio_dollaros_mualkotast”,”image”:””,”index”:0,”item”:”ac70b73f-9963-44dd-8ce2-27632a86e7b3″,”keywords”:null,”link”:”/elet/20210403_Azt_hittek_szabad_a_vasar_osszefestettek_egy_felmillio_dollaros_mualkotast”,”timestamp”:”2021. április. 03. 20:05″,”title”:”Azt hitték, szabad …

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It was a golden retriever in a Chinese zoo.

[ad_1] Visitors to a Chinese zoo, who could only see an animal that looked only like a small, a golden retriever, felt at ease in a Chinese zoo. About the “camel lion” Spike A named man made a video that will spread like wildfire this week on Chinese social media …

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Index – Domestic – Children should also be vaccinated

[ad_1] It is important that children, especially those with chronic diseases, are vaccinated with the coronavirus vaccine as soon as possible, as soon as a suitable vaccine is available, said György Póta, a pediatrician and former president of the Association of Home Pediatricians. According to the expert, it is a …

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