Vaccine: side effect is mandatory, we use active immunization

[ad_1] If few, only 10-20 or even 30 percent of the population are vaccinated with the coronavirus vaccine, then the level of protection will not be enough to stop the epidemic, as it would require protection and vaccination of 60-70 per cent. cent, he told Inforadio. Andras Falus immunologist. Therefore, …

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It was a great sin to crush the OPNI

[ad_1] The “crushing” of the National Institute of Psychiatry and Neurology (OPNI) 13 years ago was a great sin, Finance Minister Mihály Varga said on TV2’s Mokka Friday morning. Mihály Varga, Budapest II. and III. the Fidesz member of Parliament recalled that OPNI was abolished by the Gyurcsány government in …

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Index – National – The spread of the epidemic is slowing, but infection is expected to increase in several cities

[ad_1] According to the data from the 51st week, the concentration of the hereditary material of the coronavirus measured in the wastewater increases in Békéscsaba, Nyíregyháza, Szekszárd and settlements around Budapest, Tököl, Biatorbágy, Szigetszentmiklós, Budakeszi and Százhalombatta in the National Center – can be read of Public Health. However, the …

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Motorists receive a one-month deferral to pay car tax

[ad_1] The deadline to pay the first installment of the car tax will be April 15 instead of March 15 next year, the National Administration of Taxes and Customs (NAV) said. The NAV will be held accountable because this year the government also withdrew the remaining portion of the municipal …

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