Újpest: coach Predrag Rogan leaves the club

[ad_1] Farewell after the coup (Photo: Károly Árvai) Ad Predrag Rogan He said it was a great honor to work for the corps. “This was my last game on the Újpest bench. I would like to thank everyone for their cooperation, it was an honor to work at the club. …

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F1 community shot down Haast for Mazepin’s survival

[ad_1] Needless to say, until now MazepinAnti-fans didn’t like this decision at all. The Russian driver was shot again earlier this month because he uploaded a short video to Instagram of a woman in the back seat of a car. A Haas In the statement, he explained that “the case …

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As of Sunday, the Czech Republic will close almost completely

[ad_1] Portfolio Signature for Christmas too. Key analysis and exclusive content under the tree. You can even give someone a last minute gift with a one-year subscription to Portfolio Signature. And if you buy an annual subscription for multiple friends, friends and family at the same time, you can also …

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Economics: Is a 3 percent home renovation loan worth it?

[ad_1] Economics: Is It Worth Taking A 3% Home Renovation Loan? | hvg.hu Would you like to be immediately informed about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”0a41cfa1-f8ed-40a0-8a51-2f39da3ed33d”,”c_author”:”MTI”,”category”:”sport”,”description”:”Király Mónika az antidopping csoport szerint rekombináns eritropoietint használt.”,”shortLead”:”Király Mónika az antidopping csoport szerint rekombináns eritropoietint használt.”,”id”:”20201223_dopping_kiraly_monika_eltiltas”,”image”:”https://img1.hvg.hu/image.aspx?id=0a41cfa1-f8ed-40a0-8a51-2f39da3ed33d&view=ffdb5e3a-e632-4abc-b367-3d9b3bb5573b”,”index”:0,”item”:”f9517322-3dd6-47ec-a2c6-f08e07143702″,”keywords”:null,”link”:”/sport/20201223_dopping_kiraly_monika_eltiltas”,”timestamp”:”2020. december. 23. 09:53″,”title”:”Doppingolás …

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