Index – National – Beyond the top

[ad_1] “It is possible that we are beyond the peak of the third wave of the coronavirus epidemic,” virologist Miklós Rusvai told RTL. According to the data reported by the operative strain, the number of new infections decreased from the previous day on Saturday, and fewer people died than in …

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Tragedy: nine children were orphaned

[ad_1] The black flag flies outside the Pécs Republic Square primary school: the corona virus changed the lives of two families at the same time, having captured a 51-year-old mother and a 45-year-old father. The school came together to help the nine orphaned children. The black flag flies outside the …

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At home: immunologist: we can’t have a liberated vacation this year

[ad_1] At home: immunologist: we can’t have holidays this year Would you like to be immediately informed about the most important news? I’m not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”03219ec4-b8bd-42b7-ae4c-60a611b209d3″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”vilag”,”description”:”A fehérorosz Állambiztonsági Szolgálat azzal állt elő, hogy merényletet készítettek elő ellenzékiek.”,”shortLead”:”A fehérorosz Állambiztonsági Szolgálat azzal állt elő, hogy merényletet készítettek elő ellenzékiek.”,”id”:”20210402_Terroristanak_nyilvanitotta_a_feherorosz_KGB_az_ellenzek_ket_vezetojet”,”image”:””,”index”:0,”item”:”4f4fa468-7216-4c78-b14e-10df0fa7bff6″,”keywords”:null,”link”:”/vilag/20210402_Terroristanak_nyilvanitotta_a_feherorosz_KGB_az_ellenzek_ket_vezetojet”,”timestamp”:”2021. …

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10 things you probably didn’t know about the Gum family

[ad_1] Besides Cat Catcher, it was perhaps the most popular Hungarian cartoon, made in three seasons with different moods, and many fondly remember the well-known characters, Paula, who is a lot of squeaks, Géza, the petty bourgeois urinal, a dingy single neighbor, Maris, and of course Blök, the mob. We …

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