One in ten drivers did not switch to winter tires

[ad_1] 2020.12.24. 13:05 According to the Mol survey, the use of winter tires is part of the national traffic culture, and nine out of ten drivers pay attention to this and one does not. Nine out of ten Hungarian motorists prepare their vehicles for winter, according to their own statements, …

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Hungarian tourism received further relief

[ad_1] Portfolio Signature for Christmas too. Key analysis and exclusive content under the tree. You can even give someone a last minute gift with a one-year subscription to Portfolio Signature. And if you buy an annual subscription for multiple friends, friends and family at the same time, you can also …

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Orbán supports the future of Romania

[ad_1] This program will email you the title and introduction of the article, all you have to do is enter the recipient’s email address. You can also add some line comments to the message in the “Comment” section. Prime Minister Viktor Orbán congratulated Florin Citu on his election as Prime …

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Economy: Chinese market surveillance has launched an investigation against Alibaba

[ad_1] Economy: Chinese market surveillance launches investigation against Alibaba Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”6a30ff50-0efb-4177-8b3a-7c0b704cc165″,”c_author”:”Lengyel Miklós”,”category”:”kkv”,”description”:”Németországban sőt az egész Európai Unióban kevésnek bizonyulhat a Pfizer–Biontech-védőoltás, melyet Mainzban fejlesztettek ki – állapítja meg a Der Spiegel összeállítása.”,”shortLead”:”Németországban sőt …

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George Clooney grunted again

[ad_1] Joe biden With the advent of power, many things will change, for example Towards Viktor Orbán It will also be more difficult, because although Hungary may remain the leader for the rest of its life, it will be more difficult to defend authoritarian voices, as it is not possible …

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