At home: The first dose of the vaccine will arrive in Hungary by plane in the early hours of Saturday

[ad_1] At home: The first dose of vaccine arrives in Hungary by plane in the early hours of Saturday Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”c12cab16-b35d-43aa-a2f5-d936b8ef0cf6″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”elet”,”description”:”Kiskarácsony – írta a képhez a kormányfő.”,”shortLead”:”Kiskarácsony – írta a képhez a kormányfő.”,”id”:”20201225_orban_viktor_orban_rahel_gyermek_unoka”,”image”:””,”index”:0,”item”:”e4869081-3309-4571-815c-960552e3c342″,”keywords”:null,”link”:”/elet/20201225_orban_viktor_orban_rahel_gyermek_unoka”,”timestamp”:”2020. …

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World: There was an explosion in Nashville, police said it was intentional

[ad_1] World: There was an explosion in Nashville, police said it was intentional Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”e336e645-4cfd-41c3-a1d1-c724203517d8″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”itthon”,”description”:”A családokért felelős miniszter szerint sokan dolgoznának szívesen egy csapatban Orbán Viktorral. “,”shortLead”:”A családokért felelős miniszter szerint sokan dolgoznának …

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Life + Style: They bought Michael Jackson’s infamous property for $ 22 million

[ad_1] Life + Style: Michael Jackson’s infamous property bought for $ 22 million Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”1933ca94-2358-4758-8d04-f85c587c65a7″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”tudomany”,”description”:”A legfrissebb hírek szerint a Zoom már 2021-ben nekiállhat a webes e-mail-kliense tesztelésének, ami mellé később egy naptár is …

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You are our hero, Erika!

[ad_1] The police thanked the heroic police in Újpest who shot the aggressive man who stabbed his partner several times on the stairs of a condominium. According to Origo, the police received a report on Thursday morning that in Újpest on the stairs of a condominium on Kassai an aggressive …

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Ivry Gitlis died

[ad_1] Ivry Gitlis, an Israeli violinist, died in Paris at the age of 98. The death of one of the largest artists has been announced by his family, writes the BBC. A charismatic but passionate experimental artist has passed away with the death of Gitlis, who was one of the …

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Index – Domestic – TGM gives way to smart people who scream

[ad_1] I’ve had enough of this, it is already the disintegration of civilization, not politics – the state is disappearing, chaos everywhere instead of administration, irrational hatred, murderous and suicidal ignorance – I have not and cannot play a role in this, I’ll stop. This is what the philosopher Miklós …

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