Technology: 7 out of 18 million vaccinated die from blood clots after vaccination against AstraZeneca in the UK

[ad_1] Tech: 7 out of 18 million vaccinated die from blood clots after vaccination against AstraZeneca in the UK | Would you like to be immediately informed about the most important news? I’m not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”5fd16df9-f502-4c4b-ad8b-999dd4f22185″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”vilag”,”description”:”Változtatott az amerikai járványügyi központ a szabályokon: akik már megkapták az immunitáshoz szükséges …

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It’s unfortunate news about Zsolt Kalmár’s injury

[ad_1] Contrary to previous news, the Hungarian national team midfielder’s midfielder Zsolt Kalmár was ripped off. Representing the player, EM Sports Consulting announced the news on its Facebook page on Saturday, which also revealed that the DAC footballer will be “forced to miss for a longer period”, meaning that he …

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World: Tear gas and rubber bullet deployed against restrictions on protesters in St. Gallen

[ad_1] World: Tear gas and rubber bullet against restrictions on protesters in St. Gallen | Would you like to be immediately informed about the most important news? I’m not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”e576bcdb-e439-47ad-a958-d3500724e4e6″,”c_author”:”Bedő Iván”,”category”:”360″,”description”:”A keletnémetek Nyugat-Németországba mennek, a lengyelek Hollandiába. A német újraegyesítésről szóló Eljött a paradicsom című sorozatunk következő …

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There was police action on bus lines 9 and 151

[ad_1] In response to public signals, the Budapest Police Headquarters (BRFK) and the Budapest Transport Center (BKK) stepped up their inspections of bus routes 9 and 151 on Wednesday and Thursday, BRFK reported on on Saturday . Fifty people took action in the two-day operation, they wrote. Police arrested …

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