Fire order and crisis in North Korea –

[ad_1] In North Korea, according to official data, there was no coronavirus outbreak in 2020 and, of course, everything is fine after that, but outside observers see that the dictator Kim Jongun has made it through the most difficult year in almost a decade of regression. . There was an …

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Linde delivered the Covid vaccine to rural centers

[ad_1] Linde Gáz Magyarország Zrt. Assisted the disaster management authority in the delivery of the vaccine. On Friday, December 25, the company received a request to deliver the first shipment of the Pfizer / BioNTech coronavirus vaccine at -70 degrees. According to the company, the transport of the vaccine, which …

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M1: Vaccines also reached Nyíregyháza

[ad_1] Vaccines against the coronavirus have also reached Nyíregyháza, it was announced in the News of the current channel M1 on Saturday afternoon. The on-site correspondent reported that Zita Szondi, general director of Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County Hospital, reported that vaccination would begin at 9 a.m. Sunday. About 35 to 40 percent …

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Edward Snowden’s son was born in Moscow

[ad_1] His son was born in the US agency of the NSA leaking secrets For Edward Snowden. The news of his wife, Lindsay mills posted on Twitter and Instagram at Christmas. Snowden, 37, and his wife also recently applied for Russian citizenship fearing that the stricter rules and travel restrictions …

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In Israel, everything stops for the third time

[ad_1] Party 444 Ronda I am joining He wears an ultra-Orthodox Jewish mask on one of the streets of Bnei Brak, IsraelPhoto: JACK GUEZ / AFP The Israeli government has announced that everything will be closed in the country starting Sunday for another two weeks and curfew restrictions will be …

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World: The most contagious coronavirus continues to spread in Europe

[ad_1] World: The most contagious coronavirus continues to spread in Europe Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I’m not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”bd1de1b9-1dbf-4fbe-870b-7082e6c53d25″,”c_author”:”HVG”,”category”:”360″,”description”:”Putyinon kívül újrázott Sebastian Kurz osztrák kancellár, Szlovákiában viszont lapátra tették Robert Ficót. Harry herceg szakított a brit királyi családdal, dél-koreai film …

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