Barcelona: Messi misses the last champion of the year

[ad_1] According to Spanish press reports, with the permission of his club, Lionel Messi, a six-time Barcelona golden footballer, has extended his leave. Ad Lionel Mess can no longer be seen on the field this year (Photo: AFP) The 33-year-old forward and his family flew home to Argentina on a …

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World: A suicide may be behind the Nashville bombing

[ad_1] World: Perpetrator of suicide may be behind Nashville bombing Would you like to be immediately informed about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”3ec388bb-834f-4874-a0d7-8eaa6fa08d3d”,”c_author”:””,”category”:”vilag”,”description”:”A vakcinát immár az idősek számára is biztonságossá nyilvánították.”,”shortLead”:”A vakcinát immár az idősek számára is biztonságossá nyilvánították.”,”id”:”20201227_vlagyimir_putyin_koronavirus_jarvany_vakcina_szputnyik_v”,”image”:””,”index”:0,”item”:”a8e2f524-673d-44ee-a16a-35907a72d16b”,”keywords”:null,”link”:”/vilag/20201227_vlagyimir_putyin_koronavirus_jarvany_vakcina_szputnyik_v”,”timestamp”:”2020. december. 27. 19:48″,”title”:”Putyin eldöntötte, hogy …

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