In one day, more than 41,000 new people were infected in Britain.

[ad_1] The highest daily number of coronavirus infections since the start of mass evaluations was recorded in Britain on Monday, the MTI writes. According to Monday night’s report from the Health Department, 41,385 new infections have been identified by screening across the country in the past 24 hours. According to …

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Not all the side effects that seem to be

[ad_1] Gergely Christmas no longer believes in numbers. Still, they were truly bizarre over the holidays, with daily deaths dropping by a third after the epidemic’s deadliest week. The long-awaited vaccination has arrived in Hungary, and János Szlávik has already vaccinated his colleagues with it on Saturday. No side effects …

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Neszszava Veszprém lost in extra time

[ad_1] German THW Kiel won 36-35 in the extra time battle against men’s handball team Telekom Veszprém in the Champions League semi-finals in Cologne. The people of Veszprém will play Paris Saint-Germain for the bronze medal at 6pm on Wednesday, in the final Kiel will meet Barcelona. Final four of …

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Start: An article on the state of Hungarian democracy became one of Politico’s most read materials this year

[ad_1] Home: An article on the state of Hungarian democracy became one of Politico’s most read materials this year | Would you like to be immediately informed about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”0798d37a-ec29-4dd6-80ce-40c5e671b125″,”c_author”:”MTI”,”category”:”cegauto”,”description”:”Négy megyében a havazás miatt folyik síkosságmentesítés.”,”shortLead”:”Négy megyében a havazás miatt folyik …

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Opus has signed a contract with E.On to buy TITÁSZ

[ad_1] In accordance with the agreement between Opus Global Plc. And E.ON Beteiligungen GmbH on October 4, 2019, OPUS made a binding offer on December 23, 2020 for the acquisition of E.ON Tiszántúli Áramhálózati Zrt. (TITÁSZ). The transaction can be closed in the third quarter of 2021 after approval by …

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Index – Culture – The late Katalin Katona is a goldsmith

[ad_1] Katalin Katona Ferenczy, a Noémi Prize-winning goldsmith who died in the seventy-third year of her life, is a full member of the Hungarian Academy of Arts (MMA), writes MTI. The artist passed away on December 26 in Budapest. Katalin Katona to Hungarian Academy of Arts considers himself dead – …

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