Economy: Next year’s minimum wage will depend on HUF 3,050 gross

[ad_1] Economy: next year’s minimum wage depends on HUF 3,050 gross Would you like to be immediately informed about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”270fcd40-ee2a-4de7-a913-4e2bdde04e0d”,”c_author”:””,”category”:”gazdasag”,”description”:”Ha így megy tovább, a kormánynak kell döntést hoznia az ügyben.”,”shortLead”:”Ha így megy tovább, a kormánynak kell döntést hoznia az ügyben.”,”id”:”20201229_minimalber_emeles_szakszervezetek”,”image”:””,”index”:0,”item”:”5d2c7ae6-050f-4725-9238-f0adaca577d9″,”keywords”:null,”link”:”/gazdasag/20201229_minimalber_emeles_szakszervezetek”,”timestamp”:”2020. …

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Sándor Sólyom-Nagy Died – 444

[ad_1] Sándor Sólyom-Nagy, Hungarian opera singer winner of the Kossuth and Liszt award, perpetual member of the Hungarian State Opera and master artist, who died at the age of 80, the Ministry of Human Resources (Emmi) told on Wednesday to MTI. Sándor Sólyom-Nagy is also considered dead by Emmi and …

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Sándor Sólyom-Nagy died

[ad_1] Sándor Sólyom-Nagy, a Hungarian opera singer, Kossuth and Liszt Award winner, eternal member and master artist of the Hungarian State Opera, has died at the age of 80, the Ministry of Human Resources reported. The Siklós-born artist graduated from the Academy of Music in 1966 as a student of …

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Index – National – Hungarian aid shipments on the way

[ad_1] Croatia turned to the European Union for help in dealing with the 6.3 magnitude earthquake on Tuesday. He called on the Member States for tents, lighting, folding beds and sleeping bags. Disaster management in Hungary six pallets of relief supplies is launched in Croatia to deal with the earthquake, …

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