Viktor Orbán visited the delayed policeman

[ad_1] On Thursday, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán visited a police officer at the Military Hospital who was attacked by a man with a knife last week in Újpest. The prime minister also visited the coronavirus vaccination point set up at the institution, Bertalan Havasi, a spokeswoman for the prime minister, …

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They were charged with the 2018 bus accident in Mátra

[ad_1] Twelve were injured in the accident. The Eger District Prosecutor’s Office indicted a bus driver who caused an accident involving a dozen people injured due to the negligent cause of a traffic accident that resulted in a massive accident, the prosecutor’s office said Thursday. On November 24, 2018, the …

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Index – Abroad – Italy is closed for New Year’s Eve

[ad_1] As of December 31 Until January 4th Italy was taken into custody because of the epidemic. However, despite the ban on fireworks, Italians are preparing for a strong farewell to 2020, considered one of the worst years. The short circuit means a one-day curfew, interprovincial traffic has been banned, …

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World: Italy is closed for New Year’s Eve and the first days of the New Year

[ad_1] World: Italy closed for New Year’s Eve and the first days of the new year Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”e824dd75-f4f6-409e-89dc-467183f9b332″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”itthon”,”description”:”Mit gondol majd 2020-ról az, aki pár év múlva a HVG idei címlapjait nézegeti? Jót aligha. …

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World: In Bulgaria, 110 coronavirus deaths a day were decided to open schools

[ad_1] World: 110 deaths from coronavirus a day in Bulgaria decide to open schools | Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”46b4edd9-daf3-49d5-a1ea-7cf6f7396d0a”,”c_author”:”MTI /”,”category”:”itthon”,”description”:”A magyarok pedig bíznak az ügyészségben és döntéseiben – legalábbis Polt szerint.”,”shortLead”:”A magyarok pedig bíznak …

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