World: For the first time, the Senate has also annulled Trump

[ad_1] World: For the first time, the Senate has annulled Trump Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”f2961695-4e23-4ca2-915a-e6bbd1b266d9″,”c_author”:”MTI /”,”category”:”vilag”,”description”:”Donald Trump megvétózta a védelmi költségvetést, de hiába. “,”shortLead”:”Donald Trump megvétózta a védelmi költségvetést, de hiába. “,”id”:”20210101_Most_eloszor_a_szenatus_is_felulbiralta_Trumpot”,”image”:””,”index”:0,”item”:”c63e81a5-9192-43b2-9a4f-dc13f92e6030″,”keywords”:null,”link”:”/vilag/20210101_Most_eloszor_a_szenatus_is_felulbiralta_Trumpot”,”timestamp”:”2021. január. 01. …

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BioNTech seeks partners to expand vaccine production

[ad_1] Portfolio Signature for Christmas too. Key analysis and exclusive content under the tree. You can even give someone a last-minute gift with a one-year subscription to Portfolio Signature. And if you buy an annual subscription for multiple friends, friends and family at the same time, you can also get …

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The first American LNG tanker arrived at the Krk terminal

[ad_1] Portfolio Signature for Christmas too. Key analysis and exclusive content under the tree. You can even give someone a last-minute gift with a one-year subscription to Portfolio Signature. And if you buy an annual subscription for multiple friends, friends and family at the same time, you can also get …

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Index – Culture – What is the best champagne?

[ad_1] As with eating fish, we drink most of the annual amount in the last 10 days of December. The rest is set in the early days of the year, so now. Regarding the sparkling beverage, however, the picture is tempered by the fact that summer champagne consumption has also …

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At home: How not to offend Viktor Orbán with a parody? Presented by Iván Bagi

[ad_1] At home: How not to offend Viktor Orbán with a parody? Presented by Iván Bagi Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”3d8661fc-875c-47fa-b4ca-24bf699d5b22″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”itthon”,”description”:”Azt mondta, idén emberfeletti munka lesz a közszolgáltatások biztosítása. “,”shortLead”:”Azt mondta, idén emberfeletti munka lesz a …

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At home: the EU will soon decide on Modern vackina, Pécs virologists have described what they know so far

[ad_1] At home: the EU will soon decide on the Modern vackina, the virologists from Pécs have described what they may know so far | Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”ed6b1bf7-f187-4834-94cd-d27be50f81bc”,”c_author”:”MTI”,”category”:”itthon”,”description”:”Tömegszerencsétlenséget előidéző közúti baleset gondatlan okozásának vétségével …

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