Migrants destroy downtown Vienna

[ad_1] The new coronavirus infection was detected in 1,410 new Hungarian citizens, increasing the number of infected people in Hungary to 326,688. Most of the 114 deaths were elderly and chronic, bringing the death toll to 9,781. Since the afternoon of December 26, health workers have been continuously vaccinated with …

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Economy: Audi Leader: We should not give state support, but to the hosts

[ad_1] Economy: Audi Leader: We should not give state aid, but to catering companies | hvg.hu Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”8bb75d2b-b260-4294-bed2-29dabd4e231f”,”c_author”:”hvg.hu”,”category”:”itthon”,”description”:”Ennyivel szemben intézkedtek a rendőrök.”,”shortLead”:”Ennyivel szemben intézkedtek a rendőrök.”,”id”:”20210101_kijarasi_tilalom_megszeges_rendorok_intezkedes_koronavirusjarvany”,”image”:”https://img0.hvg.hu/image.aspx?id=8bb75d2b-b260-4294-bed2-29dabd4e231f&view=ffdb5e3a-e632-4abc-b367-3d9b3bb5573b”,”index”:0,”item”:”bab99319-308d-4ece-aa77-014d1ead4bdf”,”keywords”:null,”link”:”/itthon/20210101_kijarasi_tilalom_megszeges_rendorok_intezkedes_koronavirusjarvany”,”timestamp”:”2021. január. 01. 12:59″,”title”:”Több mint ezer ember szegte meg …

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Sport: Pochettino became PSG coach

[ad_1] Sport: Pochettino became PSG coach hvg.hu Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”4c3c53ff-24a4-4aa4-9b3f-0737ad258f38″,”c_author”:”HVG”,”category”:”360″,”description”:”Szíjj László egy török tulajdonostársával közös cége lehet a Magyarországon harcjárműveket gyártani készülő német társaság itthoni partnere.”,”shortLead”:”Szíjj László egy török tulajdonostársával közös cége lehet a Magyarországon …

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RTL Klub also can’t get its own stars to be widely accepted

[ad_1] 2021.01.02. 19:15 “You’re nauseous, you’re a gay kid” is sung on RTL two while János Áder’s New Year’s greeting is mixed with a little finger on the main channel so they don’t broadcast “hate speech.” As the liberal media celebrated RTL’s gay propaganda on New Year’s Eve, statements denigrating …

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Economist Ernő Zalai died

[ad_1] Ernő Zalai, a full member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and a Széchenyi Prize-winning professor, has died at the age of 78, the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (Hungarian Academy of Sciences) reported to MTI on Saturday. The scientist, who died on Friday, was born on August 5, 1943 …

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Soccer: András Törőcsik is improving very well

[ad_1] The condition of András Törőcsik, a 65-year-old national soccer player 45 times who was hospitalized for gastrointestinal problems at the end of November, is improving considerably. If all goes well, András Törőcsik can leave the hospital in 3-4 weeks (Photo: Nemzeti Sport) It wasn’t just his recurring illness that …

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