At home: Szijjártó: Hungary delivers 40,000 vaccines to the Czech Republic

[ad_1] At home: Szijjártó: Hungary delivers 40,000 vaccines to the Czech Republic Would you like to be immediately informed about the most important news? I’m not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”fa887b78-f50d-4596-b832-30b419f496c6″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”tudomany”,”description”:”Öt újabb eset után vizsgálják, van-e kapcsolat az oltás és a vérrögképződés után.”,”shortLead”:”Öt újabb eset után vizsgálják, van-e kapcsolat az oltás …

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World: Coronavirus: the number of deaths in the British in a minimum of seven months

[ad_1] World: Coronavirus: British deaths at seven-month lows Would you like to be immediately informed about the most important news? I’m not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”43b50fba-f80c-4027-b890-9f02860bd4ef”,”c_author”:””,”category”:”elet”,”description”:”A rendező a jelenlegi SZFE-ről azt mondta, a bankrablóval nem az a baj, hogy ha büdös a szája.”,”shortLead”:”A rendező a jelenlegi SZFE-ről azt mondta, a …

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Cult: Here, the Black Widow is largely a forerunner set in Budapest.

[ad_1] Cult – Here’s Black Widow’s predecessor, mostly set in Budapest Would you like to be immediately informed about the most important news? I’m not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”c66b0eb9-dc6b-461f-aaf4-7de21f2627e1″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”kultura”,”description”:”A nagy esélyesként emlegetett Barabás Botond lett a Szigligeti Színház új igazgatója.”,”shortLead”:”A nagy esélyesként emlegetett Barabás Botond lett a Szigligeti Színház új …

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The longest bridge in the country is in constant motion.

[ad_1] Tímea Hanák, Europe’s first female bridge teacher, talks about the details. Tímea Hanák was the first woman in Europe to be a viaduct bridgemaster at just 27 years old, and she has been responsible for the longest bridge in Hungary, the Kőröshegy Valley Bridge, for 14 years. In addition …

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The mysterious relic of the resurrection: Veronica’s shawl

[ad_1] In Christian tradition, besides the Virgin Mary, the most remembered woman, Veronica, is not remembered in the New Testament Gospels. Therefore, its form was preserved only by Christian tradition and an apocryphal document. He is the one who, according to tradition, during the crucifixion on Calvary, came out of …

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