At home: Müller: It is justified to maintain the restrictive measures

[ad_1] Start: Müller: Justified restrictive measures Would you like to be immediately informed about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”6a8109fb-0b88-4923-8ca9-1b993c9b80a4″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”itthon”,”description”:”Jelenleg 5646 koronavírusos beteget ápolnak kórházban.”,”shortLead”:”Jelenleg 5646 koronavírusos beteget ápolnak kórházban.”,”id”:”20210106_koronavirus_magyarorszag”,”image”:””,”index”:0,”item”:”bb75ed00-7553-4f1a-a284-f50fc4ee1409″,”keywords”:null,”link”:”/itthon/20210106_koronavirus_magyarorszag”,”timestamp”:”2021. január. 06. 09:25″,”title”:”Koronavírus: ismét 2000 fölött az új fertőzöttek száma, meghalt 118 beteg”,”trackingCode”:”RELATED”,”c_isbrandchannel”:false,”c_isbrandcontent”:false,”c_isbrandstory”:false,”c_isbrandcontentorbrandstory”:false,”c_isbranded”:false,”c_ishvg360article”:false,”c_partnername”:null,”c_partnerlogo”:”00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000″,”c_partnertag”:null},{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”1ce5b29a-f87c-473b-8e60-b09a674568e5″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”itthon”,”description”:”A politikus novemberben …

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In several places, polycentric snow fell at night in Hungary

[ad_1] On January 6, residents of several Hungarian settlements realized that it was snowing at night. There was a settlement where 6 centimeters of snow fell. The National Meteorological Service published the amount of snow that fell in Hungary on January 6 at 7 a.m. Their history reveals that there …

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Stalker Dopeman –

[ad_1] It’s over after three years JunkieThat is, the patience of László Pityinger, said the 45-year-old woman, who had been trying to make her life bitter because of the harassment. Known for his outspoken style, the 46-year-old musician is also concerned for his loved ones and his parents, as Katalin, …

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World: Iran asks Interpol to arrest Donald Trump

[ad_1] World: Iran calls on Interpol to arrest Donald Trump Would you like to be immediately informed about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”e226b74a-bc9c-44ce-b5c0-783fd2c3c832″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”gazdasag”,”description”:”Úgy tűnik, a gépet használva valaki másfél hetet töltött Dél-Ázsiában.”,”shortLead”:”Úgy tűnik, a gépet használva valaki másfél hetet töltött Dél-Ázsiában.”,”id”:”20210104_Bombardier_a_Maldiv_szigeteken”,”image”:””,”index”:0,”item”:”bd184677-5fd7-416f-937b-9355a6c3e382″,”keywords”:null,”link”:”/gazdasag/20210104_Bombardier_a_Maldiv_szigeteken”,”timestamp”:”2021. január. 04. 16:53″,”title”:”A …

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Merkel has entered, German parents can stay home for 20 days

[ad_1] This program will email you the title and introduction of the article, all you have to do is enter the recipient’s email address. You can also add some line comments to the message in the “Comment” section. Existing restrictions will be extended and further restrictions will be introduced in …

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