Tech: Donald Trump can’t go back to Facebook

[ad_1] Tech: Donald Trump is not rejected on Facebook Would you like to be immediately informed about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”3405aa89-813c-42a3-8a5c-64ff6ba45660″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”tudomany”,”description”:”Felhasználási feltételeinek többszöri, súlyos megsértése miatt kizárta az Egyesült Államok elnökét rendszeréből a Twitter. Most ideiglenes kitiltásról van szó, de végleges is jöhet.”,”shortLead”:”Felhasználási …

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At worst, the mutant coronavirus begins to spread

[ad_1] For nearly half a year, most new Covid-19 cases were recorded in mainland China on Wednesday, according to a report by China’s National Health Commission on Thursday, which has led to stricter epidemiological measures in affected areas of the country. In mainland China, 63 people were diagnosed with coronavirus …

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Index – Foreign – Facebook Postponed Employees Asking to Block Trump

[ad_1] Upon seeing the siege of the Capitol, Facebook staff began an exchange of internal messages, with several calling for the immediate deletion of Donald Trump’s account. However, the social network responded within an hour and without explanation, administrators froze the conversation, writes BuzzFeed News. Donald Trump directly instigated the …

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At home: a one and a half year old boy in Újpest fell through the window

[ad_1] At home: a one and a half year old boy fell out of the window in Újpest Would you like to be immediately informed about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”628ee9ad-7abb-42e1-a930-0fd8f4eb102d”,”c_author”:”Csányi Nikolett – Ká Zoltán”,”category”:”gazdasag”,”description”:”A sóskútiak közül többen aggódnak a veszélyes hulladékok miatt, miközben …

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