World: Trump returned to Twitter on video and acknowledged his defeat

[ad_1] World: Trump returns to Twitter on video and admits defeat Would you like to be immediately informed about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”53f92c7d-89c6-4191-af6b-a86b2d99294e”,”c_author”:”Gergely Márton”,”category”:”360″,”description”:”Az oltás megkezdése előtti szörnyű hónap, a halálozások száma, az áldozatok lakosság- és fertőzésarányosan. Mutatjuk a Covid-járvány fekete számait Magyarországon …

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Index – National – Viktor Orbán will speak soon

[ad_1] Viktor Orbán posted on his Facebook page before 7 a.m. Friday: The prime minister shared three photos with his Facebook followers about the operational tribe’s morning discussion. As we have written, the government must decide no later than Monday, January 11, on restrictive measures to curb the epidemic, including …

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At home: Orbán accompanied the mayor of Pécs with Rogán on the discussion on business tax

[ad_1] At home: Orbán tormented the mayor of Pécs with Rogán over the discussion on business tax | Would you like to be immediately informed about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”1e553f3d-94bc-4361-bc2c-94ff29b5ebeb”,”c_author”:””,”category”:”cegauto”,”description”:”A német prémiumgyártó zászlóshajó kategóriás szedánja négy év után frissítésen esik át.”,”shortLead”:”A német prémiumgyártó …

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