The big trick they fed the world earlier this year

[ad_1] At first glance, Saudi Arabia could lose $ 3 billion in the first two months of the year by pledging to cut its own oil production so that other oil-producing countries can get away with this revenue-decimating measure. But the cunning Saudis were counting on something else. It could …

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Index – National – MÚOSZ attended the ATV presenter

[ad_1] Although Róbert Kárász is not a member of the National Association of Hungarian Journalists, the organization’s ethics committee has ruled on the ATV employee issue. About the ATV presenter, 444 previously wrote while conducting an interview on issues affecting the Human Resources Department, while the ministry provided state support …

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The first tram train arrived in Hungary

[ad_1] The train was launched on December 30 from Spain to Szentes, the vehicle insurance site. In the following days, the vehicle will be commissioned by Stadler engineers, followed by an official inspection, function tests and type tests. According to the announcement, the government commissioner responsible for the Hódmezővásárhely-Szeged tram-train …

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He became a new advisor to Viktor Orbán

[ad_1] János Bóka’s task is assist the Prime Minister in his negotiations with the Member States of the European Union and representatives of the EU institutions. It will participate in the preparation of government meetings on EU issues and discuss with ministers the position of the Hungarian government in relation …

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Economy: Chest: Western hero Orbán is low on ammunition in his weapon

[ad_1] Economy: Chest: Western hero Orbán has few ammunition left in his weapon | Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”cccfb6d3-bc62-4048-a6cc-a596b7ca5734″,”c_author”:”HVG”,”category”:”360″,”description”:”A koronavírus miatt bevezetett karantén kezdetén írt esszégyűjteményt az együttérzésről, a relatív szenvedésről és Amerika vélt vagy valós …

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At home: 114 other Hungarian victims of the coronavirus epidemic

[ad_1] Start: 114 other Hungarian victims of the coronavirus epidemic | Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”701676db-a840-40aa-a752-68e928bc2931″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”tudomany”,”description”:”Az idei év legnagyobb sporteseménye lehet – ha lesz – a nyári tokiói olimpia és paralimpia, amit ennek megfelelően védeni is …

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