Sport: Sándor Csányi: No need to build more stadiums

[ad_1] Sport: Sándor Csányi: No need to build more stadiums Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”b3ddb642-15dd-46b8-b03d-67a507098fb9″,”c_author”:”Domány András”,”category”:”gazdasag.ingatlan”,”description”:”A Handó Tünde vezette tanács érdemi vizsgálat nélkül visszautasította az elítélt egykori VI. kerületi szocialista és szabaddemokrata önkormányzati képviselők panaszát.”,”shortLead”:”A Handó …

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Tech: US has put Xiaom on ban list, Huawei could be the company’s fate

[ad_1] Tech: America puts Xiaom on a ban list, the company could be targeting Huawei | Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”48c1a834-abb6-4508-9946-9989bca61a17″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”kultura”,”description”:”A gépészmérnököt 85 éves korában érte a halál.”,”shortLead”:”A gépészmérnököt 85 éves korában érte a halál.”,”id”:”20210114_elhunyt_Moricz_Imre”,”image”:””,”index”:0,”item”:”b573d9ad-e5bd-4d16-8592-8fc91e190789″,”keywords”:null,”link”:”/kultura/20210114_elhunyt_Moricz_Imre”,”timestamp”:”2021. január. …

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Index – Abroad – Merkel wants to close in Germany

[ad_1] The death toll from coronavirus in Germany set a new record on Thursday, prompting the German federal government to introduce more austerity measures, writes the German newspaper Bild. German Chancellor Angela Merkel is already thinking of a “mega-lockdown” that, as the name suggests, would further tighten up on existing …

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Joe Biden’s Huge Coronavirus Rescue Package Has Arrived

[ad_1] In addition to the direct financial benefit, Biden wants to push testing and spread vaccines with his plans revealed Thursday. The contents of the rescue package are as follows: $ 1,400 (equivalent to HUF 413,000) is a direct payment to households, so this form of benefit, along with the …

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