[ad_1] The inaugural ceremony of the Democratic winner of the 2020 presidential elections, Joe Biden, will take place tomorrow, January 20. The event is always a serious celebrity parade, so there will be plenty to see for those who are not necessarily curious about the political side of the ceremony. …
Read More »Few professionals approve of Paks 2 plans
[ad_1] What you need to know right away in 2021. From the usual report of the National Atomic Energy Agency (HAEA) at the beginning of the year, it can be summed up, among other things, that there are not enough people to license Paks 2, or at least the situation …
Read More »Index – Economy – Hungary’s public debt is at an unprecedented level
[ad_1] According to the Portfolio’s estimate, at the end of last year, the value of Hungarian public debt as a percentage of GDP may have exceeded the level of 81%, which also exceeds the level of debt observed after the financial crisis of 2008-2009. Referring to the estimates of the …
Read More »Trump would let Europeans in slowly, but Biden won’t relax
[ad_1] In March last year, when the pandemic broke out, Trump imposed a total ban on entry to Europe and Brazil. On Monday, the current president ordered his release effective January 26, but within an hour it turned out that, despite the hopes of those who wanted to travel, President-elect …
Read More »Szilvi Agárdi: I was just a complement to Fanni BorsOnline’s mother – Celebrity News – Gossip – Crime – Politics
[ad_1] In the years when Weisz was bad with his mother with Fanni, he called Szilvi Agárdi every day. But since they reconciled, the surrogate mother has also disappeared from the visually impaired girl’s life. In the years when Weisz was bad with his mother with Fanni, he called Szilvi …
Read More »World: Chernobyl nuclear disaster commander is dead
[ad_1] World: head of Chernobyl nuclear disaster dies hvg.hu Would you like to be immediately informed about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”a399cac8-0262-4e1b-ad70-ca8d7ddaddc5″,”c_author”:”MTI”,”category”:”sport”,”description”:”A németek török származású világbajnok labdarúgója távozik az Arsenaltól és a török elsőosztályban szereplő Fenerbahcéhoz igazol.”,”shortLead”:”A németek török származású világbajnok labdarúgója távozik az Arsenaltól …
Read More »Index – National – In February, they can decide on the radical transformation of several Hungarian universities
[ad_1] The decision of the government and then the parliament can be made even in February on the retention of the University of Debrecen, the University of Pécs, the University of Semmelweis, the University of Szeged and the University of Dunaújváros as foundations, writes hvg.hu del Ministry of Innovation and …
Read More »The FBI said they wanted to sell Nancy Pelosi’s stolen laptop to Russian intelligence
[ad_1] Our newsletters take you home with everything you need to know. The U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) said it suspected they wanted to sell to Russian intelligence the laptop of Nancy Pelosi, the Speaker of the U.S. Democratic House of Representatives, which had been stolen during a Capitol …
Read More »World: WHO Director-General: The world has fallen to the brink of a catastrophic moral decline
[ad_1] World: WHO Director-General: The world is on the brink of a catastrophic moral collapse | hvg.hu Would you like to be immediately informed about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”604f2127-f678-4b93-b08b-73ff6b3d27d4″,”c_author”:”hvg.hu/MTI”,”category”:”vilag”,”description”:”Már 105 ezer ember kapott koronavírus elleni oltást az országban.”,”shortLead”:”Már 105 ezer ember kapott koronavírus elleni …
Read More »Ferenc Jakab: The Chinese vaccine technique is outdated, but its effectiveness is not bad
[ad_1] Jakab Ferenc virologist told ATV News about the Chinese vaccine. The professor from the University of Pécs made the following statements: The Chinese vaccine is 70 to 75 percent effective, which is not bad at all Chinese vaccine technology is considered obsolete in the age of molecular biology, but …
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