At home: the director general of the National Institute of Medical Rehabilitation has been replaced

[ad_1] At home: replaced the Director General of the National Institute of Medical Rehabilitation Would you like to receive information about the most important news immediately? I’m not asking please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”99a6bff8-010b-4992-b751-aaaed6413405″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”elet”,”description”:”Norvégiában az átlagosnál több mint kétszer annyi szexjáték fogyott azóta, hogy a hatóságok a koronavírus-járvány terjedése miatt otthonmaradásra kérték …

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At Home: Judit Varga: Some Actions Taken During Emergencies May Remain Later

[ad_1] At home: Judit Varga: some measures taken during emergencies can be kept later Would you like to receive information about the most important news immediately? I’m not asking please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”97b89440-4f83-4c6a-ac9f-8f6743f20b72″,”c_author”:”MTI”,”category”:”vilag”,”description”:”A szombaton ismertetett legújabb statisztika szerint Nagy-Britanniában eddig 9875-en haltak meg az új típusú koronavírus okozta betegségben. Ez azt …

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The footballer of the Chelsea legend is dead

[ad_1] At the age of seventy-eight, after a long illness, the former legendary goalkeeper of the Chelsea football team, Peter Bonetti, passed away. The former doorman, nicknamed “Jack,” encountered the Blue Door between 1960 and 1979, with the introduction of a short drive from St. Louis Stars. It kept the …

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Saturn Atmosphere – Terrace

[ad_1] The upper layer of the atmosphere of the gas giants – Saturn, Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune – is hot, as is Earth. However, unlike Earth, the Sun is too far from these planets in the outer realm of the Solar System to cause such high temperatures. The phenomenon has …

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Five residents were infected in a nursing home in Zugló

[ad_1] Five residents of one of Olajág Otthonok’s institutions in Zugló became infected, Viktor Szirmai, Director-General, asked his 444 questions. He added that still two of its employees tested positive, had not worked for the past ten or fourteen days, while all other employees tested negative. The CEO did not …

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PL: Harry Kane could be Manchester United for £ 200 million

[ad_1] Tottenham Hotspur could sell their team captain Harry Kane to Manchester United for £ 200m. Can Harry Kane (right) fight for Manchester United’s success in the future? (Photo: AFP) ad According to the Daily Mail, the financial situation in the difficult financial situation due to the pandemic may force …

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