The number of higher education applicants has plummeted

[ad_1] One of the empty conference rooms of the University of Miskolc on March 12, 2020Photo: János Vajda / MTI / MTVA Népszava’s Tuesday number writes that the number of higher education applicants has decreased from last year to this year, which has not been seen in a long time. …

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The rookie Champions / came, saw and won

[ad_1] The Exatlon Hungary team continues to spin, but in the opposite direction, as a whole new era has begun. There was another big surprise, namely the arrival of new pilots. It is a real rest for everyone that Novák Zalán has been ill for a long time. Zalán is …

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Exatlon Hungary – 74th broadcast /

[ad_1] A new time has begun at Exatlon Hungary! László Palik not only described the changed rules, but five new competitors also came into the game, all of whom were already fighting for the Villa along with their teams. Two teams fight for the grand prize and glory on the …

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t j competitor came to Exatlon

[ad_1] After almost 1,200 races and 73 days of racing, the final field of this year’s Exatlon Hungary game was formed with the top of the night htf. In the Dominican Republic, six champions and firefighters can compete in extreme sports reality 30 millis. At Exatlon, new player Joker also …

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The popular RTL Klub series, Teacher Season 3, stops

[ad_1] As the blog wrote, from the second part viewers can follow the series on the RTL Most + premium platform (RTL Most + activation code is available at Pick-Up Kft., Sághy-Sat Kft., Tarr Kft., Telenor and the Vodafone group of companies.For subscribers, the list of service providers can be …

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