pronounced Real Madrid against third division

[ad_1] For the first 16 of the Copa del Rey in Spain, Real Madrid visited the third division Alcoyano home, and although they went ahead in the last minute of the first half, the local team was resurrected, fighting for extra time, in which he also scored the winning goal …

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Eliminated from DVTK, Ferencvros championship undefeated

[ad_1] The national soccer match resumed on Wednesday night with the postponed second round of the OTP Bank League. DVTK visited Ferencvros’s house, which was a great training and game. The match was led by Ferencvros, resolved several situations, but failed to defend DVTK, so in the match DVTK scored …

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Life + Style: Miklós Kásler would gather the bones of Mátyás Hunyadi

[ad_1] Life + Style: Miklós Kásler would assemble the bones of Mátyás Hunyadi | Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”c7b38930-230e-4950-9684-4faa30d3009a”,”c_author”:””,”category”:”itthon”,”description”:”Szijjártó Péter külügyminiszter tájékoztatása szerint a gyógyszerhatóság illetékesei már a helyszínen vizsgálják, hogy engedélyezhető-e Magyarországon a Szputnyik V …

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