World: Germany would open schools in three weeks

[ad_1] World: Germany would open schools in three weeks Would you like to receive information about the most important news immediately? I’m not asking please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”22f37fcb-0de8-46ed-ba04-bff07ff9190c”,”c_author”:””,”category”:”itthon”,”description”:”Ők az intenzív osztályt is elhagyhatták már – jelentette be Müller Cecília. De a járvány felszálló ágban van. Élőben az Operatív Törzs tájékoztatójáról.”,”shortLead”:”Ők az …

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iPhone SE 2020: here is Apple’s cheap phone (bb)

[ad_1] For weeks, the press has been writing about Apple’s proven announcement of the phone, deviating from its fall calendar, for a more wallet-friendly iPhone. The model, formerly known as iPhone SE2, was finally unveiled on April 15: The company’s official website was updated with the product at five in …

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Cult: George dead

[ad_1] Cult: George dead Would you like to receive information about the most important news immediately? I’m not asking please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”97b89440-4f83-4c6a-ac9f-8f6743f20b72″,”c_author”:”MTI”,”category”:”vilag”,”description”:”A lakók kijárhattak, és látogatókat is fogadhattak, az otthonban kitört a járvány. “,”shortLead”:”A lakók kijárhattak, és látogatókat is fogadhattak, az otthonban kitört a járvány. “,”id”:”20200413_Szerbia_idosotthon_jarvany_letartoztatas”,”image”:””,”index”:0,”item”:”c2c83c94-a3e8-462f-ba2e-3543b434ba71″,”keywords”:null,”link”:”/vilag/20200413_Szerbia_idosotthon_jarvany_letartoztatas”,”timestamp”:”2020. április. 13. 21:54″,”title”:”Letartóztatták egy …

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Even the most modest Honor 30 shouldn’t be ashamed

[ad_1] It didn’t work for the Pro suffix, but it did for the 5G set, periscope camera, built-in fingerprint reader, and 40-watt fast charge. In addition to the Honor 30 Pro with Kirin 990 5G and the Pro + with a 50-megapixel main camera, the Honor 30 has been presented …

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